Texas Drunk Driving Statistics 2019

Texas Drunk Driving Statistics 2019

Texas held the number one position for the number of alcohol-impaired driving fatalities in the United States again for another year. Sadly, this distinction is not something that Texans would like to claim, but it is true, nonetheless. Drunk driving accidents...
Do You Know Houston’s Deadliest Roads?

Do You Know Houston’s Deadliest Roads?

If you live in Houston, you already know the answer to this question — all Houston roads can be deadly, but especially Houston’s highways. Even when the speed limit on highways and interstates is high (60 or 70 mph), you see drivers exceeding that speed limit. For...
Distracted Driving Accident Statistics 2019

Distracted Driving Accident Statistics 2019

The National Safety Council (NSC) recently released preliminary figures for roadway deaths. According to the NSC, approximately 40,000 people died on United States roads in 2018. This number represents a 14 percent increase in the number of deaths from just four years...