Inpatient Hospital and Nursing Home Fall Statistics

Inpatient Hospital and Nursing Home Fall Statistics

We generally think of hospitals as places where people go to get better, not to get injured. While that’s usually the case, there is an unfortunately omnipresent risk of falls in inpatient settings and nursing facilities. Many patients in hospitals are there for...
Open Container Law Texas

Open Container Law Texas

Having a drink every now and then has become a tradition in many scenarios — tailgating before a football game, happy hours, celebrations, holidays, or simply to destress after a stressful day. And, while they certainly can make conversations more lively and can make...
Texas Drunk Driving Statistics 2020

Texas Drunk Driving Statistics 2020

If you’ve been driving long enough, you are aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. For decades, there have been television ads and news stories about these types of accidents and their catastrophic effects. However, these warnings have not served as an absolute...
What are the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer?

What are the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer?

If you’re the parent or legal guardian of a teenager, you are well aware of the constant worry that comes with the territory. Are things going well at school? Do they always come to you whenever they face any difficulties? Are they staying away from drugs and alcohol?...