Anyone can get sick from E. coli but some people are at an elevated risk of suffering serious, potentially fatal symptoms of this foodborne infection. These people include:

  • Elderly adults
  • Children under age five
  • Individuals with compromised immune systems
  • Pregnant women
  • People who travel abroad

Most people get food poisoning at least once in their life. While many individuals recover from their symptoms within a day or two, others may experience more severe side effects and require hospitalization.

E. coli is a type of bacteria that can cause severe illness and is usually spread by improperly prepared food. If you or someone you love suffered from a E. coli poisoning due to the negligence of a restaurant employee or a food manufacturer, it may be appropriate to file a product liability claim with the help of an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer.

Causes of E. Coli Poisoning

There are several ways in which you may become infected with E. coli. Some examples include:

  • Eating raw or undercooked meat or fish
  • Lack of hygiene among food service workers
  • Poor waste management resulting in contaminated water supplies
  • Improper food storage and preparation
  • Drinking unpasteurized milk or juice
  • Eating raw dough or batter
  • Consuming E. coli-contaminated fruits and vegetables that haven’t been washed
  • Through contact with another person or an animal who is infected

Consequences of E. Coli Poisoning

Symptoms of an E. coli infection usually develop three to four days after consumption and last around a week. Some common E. coli infection symptoms include:

  • Mild to severe stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea (including bloody diarrhea)
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Headache

For many people, these symptoms subside with rest, over-the-counter medications and proper nutrition, but others may experience severe complications. If left untreated, the infection may become life threatening and lead to internal bleeding, dehydration, kidney failure, seizures and even death.

The elderly, young children and people with weak immune systems are especially susceptible to developing severe symptoms.

Filing an E. Coli Poisoning Claim in Houston

Did you or a loved one suffer from a serious or life-threatening E. coli infection? Did the poisoning force you to lose wages, suffer physically and mentally and rack up costly medical bills? Did a member of your family pass away due to a serious case of E. Coli?

If you believe a restaurant or food manufacturer failed to protect their food from E. coli contamination, which in turn made you or a loved one sick, you may have a valid product liability claim.

Claims for food poisoning of any kind are highly reliant on the severity of the illness, the monetary and emotional costs you endured as a result and the evidence that can be gathered. While you’re in the throes of a foodborne illness, filing a claim or taking the restaurant who did this to you to court may seem like a perfectly reasonable response. However, being inconvenienced for a few days while you experience extreme discomfort may not be adequate justification for filing a product liability claim. You will need to be able to prove you suffered significant, quantifiable damages.

Examples of scenarios that may justify filing a product liability claim include illnesses that necessitated surgery (like removal of all or part of your colon) or the death of a loved one. Both situations can result in extreme, long-term emotional, physical and financial losses.

Proving Negligence

You’ll need to prove the defendant prepared and/or sold you contaminated food, and that their negligence directly caused your illness. For example, a fast-food restaurant and their supplier may be held liable for selling sandwiches containing meat contaminated with E. coli. If you can prove you consumed the food in a correct way (you didn’t allow it to spoil) and your illness was a result of the contamination, you’ll likely be able to establish negligence and win your case.

It may be a good idea to report your E. coli poisoning to a local health department. It’s not uncommon for E. coli bacteria to cause large-scale outbreaks and affect hundreds or even thousands of people. If your infection is confirmed to have been caused by an outbreak, you may have a greater chance of proving the defendant’s fault. A paper trail and official record of your illness and when it occurred may be important evidence in your case.

Keep in mind, proving negligence is no easy task and most people lack the legal expertise or negotiation skills to effectively pursue the compensation they’re owed on their own. An experienced product liability attorney can help you determine the best course of action and pursue the highest compensation possible for the pain and suffering you endured.

Let an Experienced Product Liability Attorney in Houston Help You with Your E. Coli Poisoning Case

If you’ve been the victim of an E. Coli poisoning due to a business’s negligence, you have the right to seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

At the Weycer Law Firm, our skilled and dedicated lawyers have a plethora of knowledge on foodborne illness laws in Texas and are here to assist you with your product liability claim.

Schedule your free case evaluation by calling our Bellaire office at (713) 668-4545.