by Mark Weycer | Dec 21, 2018 | Vehicle & Auto
There’s nothing like getting into a car accident to put a damper on your commute. Suddenly, even the most pressing of concerns that existed prior to the crash have to be placed on the back burner while you deal with the aftermath of the collision. To add insult to...
by Mark Weycer | Dec 18, 2018 | Vehicle & Auto
Getting into a car accident comes with a long list of worries: Did anybody get hurt? What’s the damage to your car? Will insurance rates go up? Will you have to miss work? Who’s going to pay for the medical bills? Is someone going to sue you? The laundry list can feel...
by Mark Weycer | Oct 29, 2018 | Vehicle & Auto
Halloween is a great time for children. They receive free candy, dress up in whimsical costumes, play tricks by scaring friends, and attend a variety of Halloween events all designed to make a child happy. Did we forget anything? Oh yes, they get to enjoy candy...
by Mark Weycer | Oct 23, 2018 | Vehicle & Auto
Houston’s nine-county metro region is reportedly the deadliest major metro area in the country for drivers. These are some of the most startling crash statistics from throughout Texas and the greater Houston area. Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics...
by Mark Weycer | Aug 24, 2018 | Motorcycle, Vehicle & Auto
Most road rules apply to all drivers no matter which vehicle they operate. Motorcycle drivers, however, must follow a unique set of laws to keep themselves, other drivers, and their passengers safe out on the open road. Texas Motorcycle License Motorcycle riders must...
by Mark Weycer | Jun 28, 2018 | Vehicle & Auto
In many cases, wearing your seat belt while in a vehicle is the safest choice for reducing the risk of injury and death in a traffic accident. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that seat belt use during 2016 saved an estimated...